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Backyard Games

Brain Games 

A hockey game is played in 5 minute periods 

Both boys and girls teams (not co-ed)

There are six positions for each team on the ice.  One Goaltender, Two defensemaen, one center, and two wings.  The centers are the only players allowed to cross the midcourt line.  (Goaltenders are optional, use goal covers) Substitutions can be made while play continues, however, a team must have only 6 players on the floor when a goal is scored.

Penalties result in one minute suspensions from the game.  Penalties result from the following infractions:  stick checking, elbowing, tripping, pushing, holding, high sticking, and unsportsmanlike conduct.

The game is started and restarted with a face-off between the two opposing centers.  Touch the floor and stick 3 times before playing the puck.

The only player allowed in the crease area is the goaltender.  A goal scored when a player is in the crease is disallowed.

High school P.E. floor hockey sticks ( not street hockey sticks)


Floor Hockey

-No more than 4 people per grade

-Will be playing Jeopardy, Password, Family Feud

Board games like Scrabble, Battleship, Chess, Clue, and Monopoly will be set up in the Ed Fenn Library, along with a few popular video games. 

Classes will play against each other for points. On a big board, the accumulated points for each classwill be recorded. A win for any game will count for 10 points. At the end of the night, scores will be finalized and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place will be determined. 

Max of 7 players on defensive and offensive team. The three basic positions for each are the backs, linemen, offensive receivers and the defensive linebackers.


At least one girl on each team on the field at all times.


Mercy rule: When one team is up by 50.


The offensive team has four chances (downs) to move the ball 10 yards- blue lines. If they are successful they receive four more downs.


Both feet must be in bounds when making a catch.


The ball can be advanced up the field by throwing and catching the pass or running with the ball. The receivers are the only players allowed to catch the ball and should wear yellow pinnies.


The player may run until he or she is tagged with one hand by a defensive player.


Offense scores points by the following:

Running or catching a pass in the end zone (6 points)

Kicking a field goal (3 points) Above or hit the backboard (only kick yellow foam balls)

Defensive interception for a touchdown

Sacking the quarterback in their own end zone (safety 2 points)

2 pt. conversion following a touchdown

P.A.T. following a touchdown (yellow balls)


Double elimination

8 minute halfs

Minimum of 7 player and maximum of 15 players per team


Game is restarted from the 20 yard line (first blue line) following a score.

Penalties result in moving the ball forward or backwards by five feet.

Penalties include:

     -Pass interference

     -Off sides


     -False start

     -Intentional grounding

     -Ball spiking

In the case of an over time

Underclassmen get the ball first, If they score the other team gets a chance to score the same amount or more. If both teams are still tied after each having possession, the next team to score wins. If the underclassmen don’t score in their first possession it becomes sudden death

Game Show

Game Night 


This activity needs AT LEAST 2 people from each class to participate.  If a class does not have 2 players, that class will be unable to take 1st place.  However, they will be able to receive 2nd, 3rd, or 4th.  These players will be competing in a Minute to Win it "relay race".  Each class will have 14 Minute to Win it challenges that they need to complete.  The first team that successfully completes all these challenges will be the winner.

-No more than 4 people to a team

-Time limit:  1 minute to answer after buzz in

-A team captain buzzes the buzzer and answers

-The second team to buzz in gets a chance to steal

-Unless otherwise stated, answer must be both first and last names.

-Team who answers correctly gets control of the board and keeps control until they answer incorrectly.

-Minus 10 points for blurt outs or not the captain speaking

-If team answers incorrectly, subtract respectable points

-Final question-Can bet all to nothing, only if in  the positives

Minute To Win It

Guess Who

Each grade lines up on opposite ends of parking lot.

Coin toss to determine team starting with frisbee.

Five people are to be on each team, no more. 

A point is received when the frisbee is caught in the end zone. 

Defensive players must give player in possession of the frisbee an arms length of space.

When the frisbee hits the ground, posession changes. 

Boundaries are set and possession changes when crossed

Interceptions are allowed even if swatted to the ground; Possession is given to the team with the interception.

Teams draw from a hat to determine bracket.

Each match will last 7 miniutes.

Team with the most points win.

Ultimate Frisbee

"Goodrich's rules"


Double eliminations



6 players for each team at one time.

     -If more, rotate in for each new serve.

Allowed 3 hits maximum to get ball over the net

One person cannot touch the ball twice in a row

Cannot hit net on serve, serve goes to other team. 

     -Can hit net on return and all following shots. 

A point is given to a team if they manage to get the volleyball to hit the other team's side of the court, including the out of bounds line. A point is also awarded if the other team fails to hit the volleyball onto their side of the court within the 3 hit limit, or hit the ball out of bounds. 

First team to 21 points wins if up by 2

     -If not up by 2, extra points must be played until one team is up by 2 and declared the winner.

Must use forearm bump, set, spike to hit ball. Any other contact with the ball is illegal and serve will be awarded to the other team.

A team can only score if they served the ball.

Tuesday 3-5 Cafeteria, 2-8 People

Thursday, 6-9, Library , Unlimited 

Thursday, 6-9 gym, Unlimited

Monday 6-9 gym, Unlimited

Tuesday 6-9 Ed Fenn Library, Unilimited

Wednesday 6-9 Mrs. Roberge's room, Unlimited

Monday 3-5, 4-6 People

Thursday 3-5 Cafeteria, 2-6 People

Monday 3-5 student parking lot, Unlimited

Tuesday 6-9 Ed Fenn gym, Min 6 people

Wenesday 6-9 gym, Unlimited

Thursday  3-5 Gym , 2 girls/ 2 boys


Backyard Games is an activity that consists of all your favorite backyard games! Games include:

Ladder Ball - Needs 2 players from each class to play


Kan Jam (A type of frisbee game) - needs 2 players from each class 


Corn Hole (beanbag toss) - needs 2 players from each class 


4 Square - Up to 2 people per class 

Anyone is allowed to participate in this activity.  

Students are allowed to play multiple games if they wanted to.  

Each of these games will be played tournament style, single elimination.  

Each game has 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th.  Winner of single game receives 4 points.  2nd=3 points , 3rd=2 points, 4th=1 point

The team with the most points at the end is the winner.

 Game can be played with doubles 2 v 2.


Server must use an underhand serve or short service and serve the shuttlecock diagonally across the court.  If a player misses the shuttlecock completely on a serve attempt, they may have a reserve.  Any contact with the shuttle is considered an attempted serve.


Player diagonally from server is the only player allowed to return the serve.  Following the serve any player may return the shuttlecock.  If the server does not serve diagonally they lose the serve regardless if the shuttle is returned or not.


 A team can only score points when their team is in control of the serve.


Boundary lines are considered inbounds.  The ceiling and the net is out of bounds on the serve, the net is considered inbounds on the return.


 Players cannot reach over, under, or land on the net when returning the shot.


Team must score 15 points and be leading by at least 2 points to be declared the winner.


-Double elimination

-During finals can only lose if have 2 loses


Wednesday 3-5 Library, Unlimited

Find all the items on the given list

Scavenger Hunt

Please note:

While many of these are double elimination during the week, ALL Friday finals are single elimination. 

Two people sitting across from each other

Four representatives from each grade, 2 girls and 2 boys

Right arm used, left hand holding opponent’s elbow in place

Players begin wrestling on “go”

Players must not stand

To win, hand must touch table/arm

All week, 2 girls/ 2 boys

Arm Wrestling

Thursday,  3-5 Mrs. Fontaine's room, 2 People

Cupcake Wars 

Monday 6-9 Cafeteria, 3-5 people 


MacGyver is an activity that embodies the characteristics of the main character in the iconic 80’s T.V. series.  Students will be presented with challenges and forced to bring out their inner MacGyver in order to complete them.  Like MacGyver himself, students will need to be creative, resourceful, and innovative to succeed.



  • Teams of three to five students per grade will compete in three MacGyver challenges

  • The SAME three to five students will participate in all three challenges with their team

  • Each challenge will be worth 25 points

  • Teams will be awarded points by the judges based on rubrics for each activity (not available until the start of the activity)

  • At the conclusion of all three activities, each team’s points will be totaled and 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place will be awarded based on total points

  • In the case of a tie, it will be up to the judge's discretion to declare a winner

  • Teams may only use the items provided to them, and will receive no extra material


Tuesday,  2:30 BUS LEAVES from CAFE, 2 people

-Each grade will have to complete multiple “Brain Games”.  

-These consist of puzzles, riddles, math equations, and word problems.  

-While they may be difficult, they are fair to all grades.  

-Each “game” is scored on a 1-4 scale.  The team will the most points will receive 100 points.  2nd will be 75 points, 3rd will be 50, 4th will be 25.  If a class is not represented, they will not be able to be awarded with any points.  

-All puzzles will be on paper.  NO PHONES ALLOWED,  No team will be able to collaborate with another.  Only members from the same grade can talk to each other.  There are no penalties for incorrect answers.  One brain game will occur one time.  

Travel up to The Berlin  Bowling Center to Bowl! 

Knock all 10 pins down with a bowling ball.  

The winner will have the most pins knocked down after 10 frames.  

Games will consist of 4 people.  (1 from each grade)

The Team with the highest combined score will win.  

It's simple: Bake and decorate! 

Teams will have to bake their own cupcakes, decorate, and present to a panel of judges.  

There will be a theme, and a mystery ingredient that each team will have to incorporate into their cupcake.  

Some supplies will be provided.  (Boxed cupcake mixes, candy to decorate with, etc. )  It is encouraged to bring special ingredients to the competition.  It is also encouraged to make cupcakes and frosting from scratch.

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